An open letter to our clients



The impact of Covid-19 is being felt across the world. It has ushered in significant market volatility and uncertainty, as well as posing significant humanitarian challenges.

Dear Client,

The impact of Covid-19 is being felt across the world. It has ushered in significant market volatility and uncertainty, as well as posing significant humanitarian challenges.  

At Allianz Global Investors, our primary focus is on helping our clients and our colleagues safely navigate the uncharted territory we find ourselves in. We have moved quickly to protect and support our employees and to ensure we can continue to deliver our products and services to you in the seamless way you expect of us.  

 As a global business, we are used to being geographically dispersed. Having so many colleagues now working from their homes has added new layers of complexity, as it will have done for so many of you too. We are proud that thanks to the tenacity and resolve of our colleagues and our tried and tested business continuity procedures, Allianz Global Investors remains very much open for business. It is great to see how swiftly colleagues have adapted to working in a remote environment, acting with the creativity, agility and entrepreneurial spirit that characterises our culture. 

At the moment, we are operating in what is probably the noisiest market in most people’s memory. Market moves and government actions that seemed unthinkable a few weeks ago are now daily occurrences, with the financial figures on trading screens amplified by the human tragedy unfolding around us.  

In such a volatile marketplace, active management - whether it is in advisory, asset allocation, portfolio construction or security selection - is crucial and our portfolio managers continue to seek opportunities amid the turbulence. Keeping in touch and staying abreast of the latest investment insight is vitally important too. We will not waver in our commitment to provide you with the highest possible levels of client service and remain committed to providing you with up-to-the minute thinking from our investment experts. As we cannot reach out to you in person in the usual way, we’re providing updates on our strategies and economic insights through a series of webcasts and in-depth commentary on our websites.

This crisis will pass. We will be there for you every step of the way. From us, the leadership team and each and every colleague at Allianz Global Investors – a heartfelt thank you for your ongoing collaboration, commitment and perseverance in these challenging times.  

With best wishes to you, your families and friends,



Tobias Pross, CEO

Deborah Zurkow, Global Head of Investments

Allianz Global Investors 

As China recovers from the coronavirus, what’s next for Chinese stocks?

As China recovers from the coronavirus, what’s next for Chinese stocks?


While the world battles the coronavirus pandemic, China has already made strides towards mitigating the virus’s effect on its people and economy. Although the country is not yet out of danger, we expect China’s economy to recover in the second half of this year – which could be another positive signal for China’s domestically driven A-share market.

Key takeaways

  • After China’s economy ground to a virtual halt earlier this year, most companies have resumed work – which should ease pressure in the global supply chain and help Chinese manufacturers
  • Even with the coronavirus outbreak, “onshore” China A-shares have outperformed “offshore” China H-shares this year, and significantly outperformed equities in the US, Europe, Japan and emerging markets
  • Given that China A-share companies get almost all their revenues domestically, they are likely to have an advantage over exporters amid a slowing global economy
  • With coronavirus causing widespread volatility, it’s worth noting that A-shares have had a very low correlation with other major asset classes – including them in a global portfolio helps diversify away some portfolio risk and helps generate a much better risk-return profile

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